Friday, March 04, 2005


Several of my friends have Tivo or DVR and have recently commented on how much they like it. I don't ever record television and don't even own a VCR. However, I am ashamed to admit that I am a big fan of American Idol. Last week I wanted to go for a run, but it was 8:00 and American Idol was just beginning; unfortunately, Idol won. I thought to myself this is ridiculous...maybe I should get Tivo.

I ordered Tivo Saturday and it arrived last night. After only one day, I found myself trying to fast forward through the news. Doh! I caught up with live TV, and can't fast forward anymore. I think I am going to watch everything a half hour after it has aired so I can fast forward through the commercials.

I went to happy hour with some work colleagues after work this evening. We were talking about some of our incompetent coworkers, and my boss mentioned that sometimes he wishes he could put this under his name in his e-mail signature: Fuck You It is F*** Y** in Webdings. I was cracking up; I wonder how long it would take for someone to figure it out.

Later at another bar, I went to the restroom and they had the Austin American Statesman on the bulletin board above the urinal. The main story was, "Lake Austin properties have long been spared city taxes." It is a story about how most of the lakefront property on prestigious Lake Austin is exempt from property taxes due to a "special status" codified by the City Council in 1986. The average appraised value of these exempt properties is over $800,000 and includes homeowners such as Lance Armstrong, Tom Meredith (former CFO of Dell Inc.), JB Goodwin, and Dennis Quaid. This is outrageous!!


Anonymous said...

We love our Tivo. I hooked up a wireless USB NIC and it can now serve up pictures from my computer on the TV as well as music files.

I also bought the Season Pass--very cool and we love how it also records shows it thinks we might like.

David said...

I am planning on getting a USB NIC and a Tivo compatible all-in-one remote control this weekend.

Everyone I have talked to seems to love their Tivo. I got a really good deal on for an 80 hour Series2 Tivo for only $99 after $100 Mail-in-rebate. It's a pretty good deal if your looking for your first or second box.